Solar Capital


The Answer To Your Energy Price Increases & Climate Problems

If we all do our small part in insulating our homes & using renewable energy; together we can make a huge difference,
live clean and green – Save money and help Save our planet!

Learn more about our services…

Benefits of our Insulation services

Energy Efficiency

Proper insulation helps maintain consistent indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling. This leads to lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills.

Cost Savings

Improved energy efficiency translates into cost savings over time, making insulation an investment that pays off in reduced heating and cooling expenses.

Enhanced Comfort

Well-insulated spaces are more comfortable year-round, with fewer drafts and temperature fluctuations, creating a more pleasant environment for occupants.

Environmental Impact

Lower energy consumption reduces greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle.

Noise Reduction

Insulation can also dampen sound, creating quieter and more peaceful indoor spaces.

Increased Property Value

Well-insulated properties are often more attractive to buyers and may command higher resale values.

Moisture Control

Insulation can help control moisture, preventing Mold and mildew growth, which can be harmful to both health and property.

Regulatory Compliance

In some areas, building codes require proper insulation, ensuring that your property complies with local regulations.

Year-Round Benefits

Insulation not only keeps spaces warm in winter but also helps keep them cool in summer, providing year-round comfort and savings.


Well-installed insulation can extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling systems by reducing their workload.


In summary, insulating your home and business offers a range of advantages, from cost savings and increased comfort to environmental benefits and improved property value. It’s a wise investment that promotes energy efficiency and a better living or working environment.

Our accreditations

At Solar Capital we are your dedicated partner for all things sustainable. we bring you a comprehensive suite of eco-friendly solutions.  By choosing us, you’re not only investing in cutting-edge technology but also in a brighter and more sustainable future.

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